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Гдз по английскому класс кауфман
The boss is the head of the agency. Agent Cute is writing a letter to Misha, but his Russian is not very good because he is very nervous. Обнинск: Титул, 2008 UNIT 1 Lesson 1, 2 5. В конце пособия размещены уже решенные итоговые тестовые задания. How do you do? Match the food and the country. Complete the sentences гдз по английскому класс кауфман the right form of the verbs. You can have the best pizza in Italy. It was their house. In America they speak English. How do you do? You can have the best Roquefort in France. Use the expressions from Ex.
Cute: Yes, I am afraid I did. Agent Cute is learning Russian. Rob is going to read history books. Рабочая тетрадь Часть 1 Страница:.
He went to Russia and found Misha and his family. You can have the best pizza in Italy. If he goes to Germany, he'll need a translator. In Russia they speak Russian.
I have a cheese sandwich and you have a ham sandwich. Boss: Did she tell you her name?
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